Cuomo to Trump: ‘Here in New York We Actually Read the Bible’ (VIDEO)

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) responded to President Trump’s display of the Bible in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church on Wednesday saying, “Here in New York we actually read the Bible.”

“The president held up the Bible the other day in Washington, D.C.,” Cuomo said during a Wednesday news conference. “Here in New York we actually read the Bible.”

The governor began the press conference by reading verses from the Bible that he said “are especially appropriate for today in this time of where we are,” as protests over the death of George Floyd continue to rock New York City and the country. . .

The New York governor’s comments come after Trump posed for photos in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church while holding a Bible. Shortly before the president walked to the church, protesters were forcibly cleared from Lafayette Square outside of the White House with the use of chemical irritants.

Several Democrats and some Republicans criticized the removal of the protesters for the photo opportunity including Cuomo, who said the Trump wants to make the demonstrations “a reality TV show of God and country.” (Read more from “Cuomo to Trump: ‘Here in New York We Actually Read the Bible'” HERE)

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