Liberals Celebrated the Death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia
To say the Left has responded very emotionally to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be an understatement. Some have even suggested it is disrespectful to her memory to talk about her replacement so soon after her death.
But the political implications of the vacancy on the Court resulting from her death are impossible for anyone to ignore, regardless of which side of the aisle they are on. That said, the reaction from most on Left and Right has been mostly respectful from what I’ve seen.
But I can’t say the same for when Justice Antonin Scalia passed away in 2016.
Nominated by Ronald Reagan, Justice Scalia was a diehard defender of the Constitution, and when he died during the last year of Obama’s presidency, many on the Left couldn’t contain their glee. . .
so if the news about Scalia is true, how long do we have to wait until we can openly not be sad about it?
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) February 13, 2016
when you go to harass women outside of planned parenthood tomorrow, be sure to hold your fetus poster at half-mast. out of respect. #Scalia
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) February 13, 2016
I mean, if you don't want your death politicized, don't lead a repugnant and profoundly influential political life.
— Charles Finch (@CharlesFinch) February 13, 2016
Just to make sure I understand your argument: you want me to show respect for the death of a hateful man who disrespected so many lives?
— Moshe Kasher (@moshekasher) February 13, 2016
Don't even try to enforce the inapplicable don't-speak-ill-of-the-dead "rule" for the highly polarizing, deeply consequential Antonin Scalia
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 13, 2016
Funny. I actually support Scalia on this one.
— Anthony Jeselnik (@anthonyjeselnik) February 13, 2016
(Read more from “Liberals Celebrated the Death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia” HERE)
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