General Milley Refuses to Answer Questions About ‘White Rage’: ‘It’s Too Complicated’ (VIDEO)

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley refused to answer questions about “white rage” during a Wednesday press conference.

Miley said he avoided discussing the topic because it is “very complicated,” according to video of the press conference.

“I think it’s a very complicated topic and we don’t have the time to go into the nuance of it right this minute,” Milley said. “I can do that later. I’d be happy to do that later, but right now is not a good time to do that.”

The high-ranking military official has previously expressed support for Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the military and said he wanted to understand “white rage” in an effort to stamp out racism from the ranks of the United States military during testimony last month. Milley was questioned about the military’s adoption of CRT by Republicans in the House Armed Services Committee. (Read more from “General Milley Refuses to Answer Questions About ‘White Rage’: ‘It’s Too Complicated’ (VIDEO)” HERE)

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