City Bans Unvaccinated People From Getting Married

COVID-panicked officials around the world have run wild setting vaccination requirements for people to live their lives.

In the United States, the newest agenda point has been to demand people show proof of vaccinations in order to keep their jobs, a fight that’s already moved into the courts in a number of jurisdictions.

Also at issue are medical procedures that some hospital systems simply refuse to provide to patients if they are not vaccinated.

But one Canadian municipality is leaving such requirements in the dust: It is requiring proof of vaccination in order to get a marriage license.

It is Oakville, Ontario, that demands “proof of identification and proof of full COVID-19 vaccination” or a confirmed medical exemption before someone is allowed into a recreation or culture facility, including arenas, community centers, pools, and many more. (Read more from “City Bans Unvaccinated From Getting Married” HERE)

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