Prosecutor Will Keep Prosecuting Christian Politician for Quoting the Bible
Finland’s top prosecutor announced Friday she will appeal a unanimous court decision rejecting her allegations of “hate speech” against a Christian politician for quoting the Bible on Twitter. This means Member of Parliament Paivi Rasanen, who has already spent three years being investigated, interrogated, and prosecuted by her government, must now keep fighting in court so that Christianity stays legal in Finland, and possibly all of Europe.
“The prosecutor’s decision to appeal the acquittal verdict may lead to the case going all the way to the Supreme Court, giving the possibility of securing precedent protecting freedom of speech and religion for all Finnish people. Also I am happy that this decision will lead to the discussion of the teaching in Bible continuing in Finnish society. I am ready to defend freedom of speech and religion in all necessary courts, and as far as the European Court of Human rights,” Rasanen wrote in a Friday statement in English, a second language.
Before the Finnish court that ultimately ruled in her favor on March 30, Rasanen’s lawyers argued that applying Finland’s identity privilege laws as the prosecutor general wished would effectively outlaw Christianity in Finland. The prosecutor argued Rasanen broke Finland’s hate speech law on three counts: by tweeting a picture of Bible verses during a public debate about whether Finland’s state church should support a homosexual event; by expressing Christian theology during a radio debate; and by writing a booklet called “Male and Female He Created Them” about Christianity’s teachings that God makes men and women different and those biological differences matter.
The Lutheran bishop who published Rasanen’s booklet is also being prosecuted.
(Read more from “Prosecutor Will Keep Prosecuting Christian Politician for Quoting the Bible” HERE)
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