Largest Ever Florida Python Discovered, and the Contents of Its Stomach Will Blow Your Mind

Field biologists discovered an 18-foot invasive Burmese python weighing 215 pounds in the Florida Everglades.

Researchers from the Conservancy of Southwest Florida believed their scale was broken when they weighed the beast, as none of them could comprehend a Burmese python would ever grow so huge, National Geographic reported Tuesday. The snake, the largest ever discovered in Florida, was captured using a male scout snake with a GPS tracker attached to it, the outlet continued. Burmese pythons are effectively impossible to spot without scout snakes, according to BroBible. . .

Inside her digestive tract, the researchers found “tan goop with bits of fur,” dissolved bone and three intact hoof cores belonging to a deer, National Geographic reported. Only 73 different animal species have been discovered inside of Florida Burmese python guts, including 24 mammals, 47 birds and two reptiles, according to the outlet. (Read more from “Largest Ever Florida Python Discovered, and the Contents of Its Stomach Will Blow Your Mind” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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