Demi Lovato Shows Why Declaring Pronouns Is Nothing More Than Brainwashed, Agenda-Driven Nonsense
To declare one’s pronouns is stupid. To change them after declaring them is downright asinine.
Singer Demi Lovato announced that she, once again, had changed her pronouns during an interview on the Spout podcast on Tuesday.
“Yeah, so, they/them is, um, I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again with me,” Lovato said. “So for me, I’m such a fluid person that I don’t really — I don’t find that I am, I felt like, especially last year, my energy was balanced and my masculine and feminine energy so that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom, and it said ‘Women’ and ‘Men,’ I didn’t feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn’t feel necessarily like a woman.”
Seriously, can we just start referring to Lovato as “it”? That would simplify everything and eliminate this embarrassingly toxic, privileged nonsense of pronoun declarations. (Read more from “Demi Lovato Shows Why Declaring Pronouns Is Nothing More Than Brainwashed, Agenda-Driven Nonsense” HERE)
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