Dems Aren’t Fooling Americans With Their So-Called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

As Senate Democrats are making their way out of pulling an all-nighter from voting on amendments pertaining to their so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” Americans aren’t buying what the left is trying to sell.

A poll published by the Economist/YouGov, found that 36 percent of respondents believe the bill actually will increase Bidenflation, contrary to what the name of the legislative says.

23 percent of Americans think the bill will not affect inflation either way, while just 12 percent believe the Democrats plan will help with lowering costs.

Additionally, a study from Penn Wharton Budget Model, predicts the bill will have very little impact on the U.S. economy, believing that inflation will continue to rise for another two years before it falls. (Read more from “Dems Aren’t Fooling Americans With Their So-Called ‘Inflation Reduction Act'” HERE)

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