Study: Male Fertility Plummets 62% Worldwide, Is Accelerating

The collapse in male fertility rates around the world is accelerating, according to journal Human Reproduction Update.

Sperm counts dropped by 62 percent in under 50 years — a decades-long trend that is picking up pace.

A low sperm count can contribute to adverse men’s health outcomes, including “testicular cancer, hormonal disruption and genital birth defects, as well as declines in female reproductive health.”

Hagai Levine, lead author of the study, called the issue a “crisis,” warning the steep decline could get to an irreversible point.

“We have a serious problem on our hands that, if not mitigated, could threaten humankind’s survival,” he added. (Read more from “Study: Male Fertility Plummets 62% Worldwide, Is Accelerating” HERE)

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