Gay Republican Who Allegedly Lied About His Background Responds to NY Times Bombshell by Blaming ‘The Left’

By David Badash. George Santos, the subject of a bombshell New York Times investigation that alleges he appears to have made up large parts of his resume, is responding to the paper of record’s report – through his attorney – in a statement that blames “the Left” for apparent false claims about his work history, colleges attended, and even co-workers who he claimed died during the Pulse nightclub hate crime mass shooting.

Santos, the first out gay Republican to be elected to Congress, is a MAGA supporter who was endorsed by House GOP Caucus chair Elise Stefanik. . .

In its damning and thorough report, The New York Times reveals both Citigroup and Goldman Sachs “told The Times they had no record of [Santos] ever working there,” despite Santos’ claims he had. Santos claims he graduated from Baruch College in 2010, but officials “could find no record of anyone matching his name and date of birth graduating that year.”

Santos even claimed he founded “an animal rescue charity that saved more than 2,500 dogs and cats,” but there is “little evidence that his animal rescue group, Friends of Pets United, was, as Mr. Santos claimed, a tax-exempt organization.”

Shockingly, even his claim four co-workers died at Pulse came up short. The Times reported its “review of news coverage and obituaries found that none of the 49 victims appear to have worked at the various firms named in his biography.” (Read more from “Gay Republican Who Allegedly Lied About His Background Responds to NY Times Bombshell by Blaming ‘The Left’” HERE)


Newly elected House Republican busted as a fraud — weeks after winning his race: report

By Salon. George Santos, who flipped the House seat in New York’s 3rd Congressional District last month, made history as the first openly gay Republican to win a House seat as a non-incumbent, but his résumé appears to be filled with falsehoods, according to a deep dive by The New York Times. . .

Similarly, officials at Baruch College found no record of Santos or anyone with a matching name and date of birth graduating from the college in 2010 despite Santos claiming he received a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance.

The incoming congressman has also claimed to have a family-owned real estate portfolio of 13 properties, but The Times found no records of such properties. . .

Santos omitted key information on his personal financial disclosures and was charged with check fraud in Brazil, according to The Times.

Santos, whose parents emigrated from Brazil, spent some time there in 2008. When he was 19 years old, he stole the checkbook of a man his mother was caring for, according to Brazilian court records uncovered by The Times. (Read more from “Newly Elected House Republican Busted as a Fraud — Weeks After Winning His Race: Report” HERE)

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