Lying George Santos Admits He ‘F–Ked Up,’ Gushes Over Don Lemon, Gripes About Botox

Disgraced Long Island Rep. George Santos openly admitted that he “f–ked up” and “lied to everyone” — while clearly relishing the notoriety the scandal has brought him, a secret recording reveals.

The truth-averse freshman Republican congressman made the frank admission Monday while telling a volunteer that he was not being hired for a $50,000-a-year staff job — while also gushing over texts from CNN’s Don Lemon and chatting about his Botox bill.

In surreal exchanges, Santos told ex-reporter Derek Myers that he couldn’t hire him because he had been accused of making illegal recordings in the past and feared he would do the same to him.

Myers said he’d go to jail rather than tattle about their chats — but then gave the audio to Talking Points Memo (TPM).

In Monday’s meeting in the Capitol, Santos sounded sympathetic to Myers, comparing the stain on the ex-reporter’s reputation to his own political scandal for lying on his resume. (Read more from “Lying George Santos Admits He ‘F–Ked Up,’ Gushes Over Don Lemon, Gripes About Botox” HERE)

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