M&M’s ‘Spokescandies’ Return After Short Hiatus With LGBT, Gendered and Racial Equity Partnerships
M&M’s has brought back its “spokescandies,” just three weeks after pausing its marketing campaign that saw backlash for introducing a female-focused candy product line.
A Super Bowl advertisement announced the return of the mascots, and the Mars-owned company quickly launched a new web page to celebrate its new partnerships.
“We believe in the power of fun to bring people together. Over the past year, the conversation around our iconic spokescandies reached new heights but at times got a bit ‘lively’,” the candy website reads.
“Now, we can get on with what we are here to do: create a world where everyone feels they belong,” the text reads, before launching into its partnerships.
Included in the campaigns the company has “contributed millions to” are organizations such as True Colors United. This organization aims to specifically assist “LGBTQ young people” who are homeless. (Read more from “M&M’s ‘Spokescandies’ Return After Short Hiatus With LGBT, Gendered and Racial Equity Partnerships” HERE)
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