Mass Deliverance Breaks Out in Theaters Across U.S. After Movie ‘Come Out in Jesus Name’ Debut (VIDEO)
Moviegoers flooded social media with footage of mass deliverances occurring in theaters across the United States this week after audiences viewed the new film “Come Out in Jesus Name.”
“Come Out in Jesus Name” debuted in theaters nationwide Monday and follows Pastor Greg Locke who rallied together well-known deliverance ministers Alexander Pagani, YouTube preachers Isaiah Saldivar, Pastor Mike Signorelli, Vladimir Savchuck and Daniel Adams as they model Jesus’ ministry of deliverance as described in the New Testament.
Once a self-described cessationist, Locke now fully embraces the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the film encourages believers to embrace their authority in Christ Jesus to free themselves and others of demonic oppression or possession. . .
At the end of the film, Locke held a live mass deliverance alter call that was streamed at nearly 2,000 theaters. . .
The senior pastor of Global Vision Bible Church said he and his team received tens of thousands of testimonies from people all over the nation about how they received deliverance following the film’s release. (Read more from “Mass Deliverance Breaks Out in Theaters Across U.S. After Movie ‘Come Out in Jesus Name’ Debut” HERE)
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