Fake Photos of Demonic Statues Stir Up Controversy for Hobby Lobby

A new controversy has been created for Hobby Lobby, the company that enraged Democrats and leftists when it went to the Supreme Court to defend its faith-based decision not to fund the abortion industry, and it’s because of artificial intelligence. . .

A report from Crosswalk explained the online images were generated by Jennifer Vinyard, a member of the Satanic Temple.

She reportedly used a program called Midjourney to take imagery of the demonic Baphomet and insert it into images of the stores.

She then posted them online, and triggered concerned consumers with her claim, “I think we need to talk about what is going on at Hobby Lobby…won’t somebody please think of the children!?” . . .

“Hobby Lobby is gonna get canceled if people believe these are real,” one commenter said of the images. (Read more from “Fake Photos of Demonic Statues Stir Up Controversy for Hobby Lobby” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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