Here’s How Many Cups of Coffee the Average American Drinks Every Year

For four in five coffee drinkers, the idea of drinking coffee in the morning is what motivates them to get out of bed, according to new research. The survey of 2,000 American coffee drinkers revealed this is true for 81 percent of respondents — and respondents are so reliant on coffee, they’ll consume an average of 460 cups per year.

Within the survey, respondents were split by their favorite style of coffee — hot coffee (48%), cold brew (20%), iced coffee (18%), frozen or blended coffee (7%), or espresso-based (5%). Those who prefer cold brew and hot coffee were most likely to be motivated by coffee in the morning (86% and 83%, respectively), compared to those who prefer iced coffee or frozen or blended beverages (76% and 66%, respectively).

Commissioned by BUNN and conducted by OnePoll ahead of National Coffee Day, the survey further examined respondents’ love of coffee and how they create their favorite brew. Many respondents would go so far as to give up social media over their morning brew – especially those who prefer hot coffee. (Read more from “Here’s How Many Cups of Coffee the Average American Drinks Every Year” HERE)

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