‘Harry Potter’ Profits Soaring Despite Attempts To Cancel J.K. Rowling Over Trans Stance

“Harry Potter” book profits continued to soar in 2023 despite numerous attempts to cancel the famed author of the book series J.K. Rowling for her support of biological women over trans-indentifying males.

In 2023, Pottermore publishing — a global digital audiobook and eBook publisher of “Harry Potter” books and affiliated Wizarding World titles — experienced a surge in sales, going from approximately $7 million U.S. dollars to more than $11.9 million over the last fiscal year, GB News reported.

Pottermore’s Managing Director released a statement about the increase in revenue and said, “We continue to look for ways to grow partnerships, build our language catalog and reach new audiences with creative and promotional initiatives such as the annual Starting Harry Potter campaign for new readers.”

Rowling — who has faced numerous attacks from leftist activists for her support of biological women — is very outspoken on social media and doesn’t back down when threatened by trans activists. (Read more from “‘Harry Potter’ Profits Soaring Despite Attempts To Cancel J.K. Rowling Over Trans Stance” HERE)

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