‘Drop Christianity and Embrace the Occult’: State Caught Pushing Anti-Christ Beliefs on Children

The state of California has been caught pushing occult religions on children, with counseling to consider “Tarot and Tidings,” your own “high priestess,” and situations “where your magic grows,” according to a report at Harbingers Daily.

It is the Department of Healthcare Services in California that pays for and promotes to children a website called Soluna. . .

It calls itself, “your space to destress, bounce back, and reset. Completely free and confidential for California teens and young adults.”

And it offers one-on-one counseling: “Connect with a trained Soluna Coach whenever you need someone in your corner. Whether you’re looking to talk right now or want to schedule ahead, our coaches are here for you. No insurance needed, no session limits, and absolutely free – just open, judgment-free support on your terms.”

But the report explains how the app “advises teens to drop Christianity and embrace the occult.” (Read more from “‘Drop Christianity and Embrace the Occult’: State Caught Pushing Anti-Christ Beliefs on Children” HERE)