Entries by Joe Miller

Rachel Maddow: Pro-Life gains are “breathtaking”

It’s always interesting to hear how the other side views its political proponents. When they have whined in the past that pro-abortion politicians aren’t vocal enough, I have always held the opposite view.  But not lately. While pro-life politicians could always do better, I have recently thought that particularly the Republican presidential candidates have come […]

Romney: “I think the gay community needs more support from the GOP” & other flip flops

A former intern for Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney says that contradictory to the camp’s statements, the former Massachusetts governor did authorize flyers in 2002 that championed LGBT rights. The conflict is only the most recent in decades of both endorsement and criticism of legalized same-sex marriage, DADT, and other equal rights efforts. The Manhattan […]

Soros predicts economic collapse, class wars, & loss of liberty; says he’s “more concerned with surviving than staying rich”

Soros doesn’t make small bets on anything. Beyond the markets, he has plowed billions of dollars of his own money into promoting political freedom in Eastern Europe and other causes. He bet against the Bush White House, becoming a hate magnet for the right that persists to this day. So, as Soros and the world’s […]

Thomas Sowell: GOP “primary voters do not want Mitt Romney, even if the Republican establishment does”

Just days before the South Carolina primary, polls showed Mitt Romney leading Newt Gingrich. Then came the debates and the question about Gingrich’s private life, which brought a devastating response from the former Speaker of the House — and a standing ovation from the audience. Apparently the television audience felt the same way, judging by […]

Cost of gas, food has skyrocketed under Obama

So far, during the presidency of Barack Obama, the price of a gallon of gasoline has jumped 83 percent, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. During the same period, the price of ground beef has gone up 24 percent and price of bacon has gone up 22 percent. When Obama entered the […]

Obama’s Middle East Miscalculation

  A little-noticed event gives a grim insight into what is really happening in the Middle East. The euphoria of the “Arab Spring,” the instant Twitter-style transition from dictatorship to democracy, is seen for what it is: an illusion. Yes, the dictatorship of one kind has gone, but democracy in the sense we understand it […]

Santorum’s Choice

Rick Santorum (and his supporters) have a decision to make. Does Santorum still believe that Mitt Romney is “the candidate that will stand up for the conservative principles that we hold dear” as he said when he endorsed him four years ago instead of Mike Huckabee (he said Romney and not Huckabee was “the only […]