Entries by Joe Miller

Economic stagnation: Obama’s baby

Today the American unemployment rate remains unchanged at 8.2 percent. The economy is still five million jobs shy of the breakeven point as America continues to drown in a sea of growing government red ink while struggling to tread water under the overburden of oppressive big government regulations.

Video: Congressman says US schools should adopt Koran, model Islamic Madrassas

The Muslim congressman who once said that the Tea Party would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree,” made another controversial statement recently. This time, Congressman Carson told the audience that American schools should be modeled after Islamic Madrassas and touted the benefits of schools that use the Koran as their “foundation.”

Forget Justice Roberts; It’s the Economy, Stupid!

Forget calls to waterboard Chief Justice Roberts until he confesses to committing high crimes and misdemeanors over the Obamacare “tax.” It’s time to move on to what really matters to American voters. The strategy must now be for the GOP presidential candidate to switch focus from the Obamacare tax controversy to America’s tepid economic recovery.

Morgan Freeman: “Obama’s not black!”

Since he burst on the national political scene, Obama has faced questions about everything from his place of birth to his college transcripts — but his race? Oddly, apparent doubts about the president’s racial identification now are being raised not by his critics but by one of his strongest supporters

Ron Paul’s New Mission: Internet Freedom

A new document from Ron Paul and his son Rand called “The Technology Revolution” lays out the Pauls’ roadmap for where they’ll focus their agenda moving forward: Internet freedom. The document makes a case against the largely GOP-motivated legislation to regulate the internet that’s been proposed over the last year—acts like SOPA, PIPA.