Entries by Joe Miller

Miller Sets Record Straight on Federal Spending

Anchorage, Alaska. September 10, 2010 — Contrary to his critics’ caricatures of his position, Republican US Senate Candidate Joe Miller categorically rejects the notion that his election would result in an end to federal spending in Alaska. “Given our current deficits, we, as a nation, will clearly have to curb overall federal spending over the […]

Miller Picks Up Endorsements of Senators McConnell, McCain and Cornyn

Anchorage, Alaska. September 09, 2010 — Republican US Senate Nominee Joe Miller picked up the endorsements of three more United States Senators today. Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 2008 Presidential Candidate John McCain, and NRSC Chairman John Cornyn. “I am very grateful for their support,” Miller said. “I think this helps to send a message […]

National Review: Joe Miller Fighting for Alaska

SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 4:00 A.M. After toppling Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska’s GOP Senate primary, Joe Miller is in no mood to compromise. Nor, he says, are fellow tea-party favorites who have won primaries across the country. “The people being elected outside of the establishment, like me, are not going to be co-opted,” he predicts […]

Senator Jim DeMint and the Senate Conservatives Fund Back Joe Miller

Anchorage, Alaska. September 07, 2010 — Senator Jim DeMint (R, SC) announced his endorsement of Joe Miller for U.S. Senate. “I want to congratulate Joe Miller…and offer him my full support,” said Senator DeMint. “He pulled off the upset victory of the year because he ran on principles and because Alaskans, like all Americans, want […]

Mayor Dan Sullivan Endorses Joe Miller

Anchorage, Alaska. September 05, 2010 — Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan endorsed Joe Miller, candidate for U.S. Senate, today. Sullivan said, “I am proud to support Joe Miller for U.S. Senate. Joe will bring new energy and new ideas to Congress and that is what our country needs in these challenging times.” Miller responded, “I want […]

Begich Now Advising McAdams

Anchorage, Alaska. September 3, 2010 — The Joe Miller for US Senate campaign has a quesion for Scott McAdams: If he is going to have Senator Begich, the man who virtually bankrupted Anchorage, running his campaign, how can he be trusted to address the nation’s growing debt crisis? Scott McAdams says on his website, “This […]

The Club for Growth Endorses Joe Miller

Anchorage, Alaska. September 3, 2010 — The Club For Growth endorsed Joe Miller for U.S. Senate. Club President Chris Chocola said, “Joe Miller’s principled pro-growth leadership is exactly what Alaska and America need today in Washington. Joe is committed to our nation’s founding principles of economic freedom and limited government, and Club for Growth PAC […]

Mike Pence Endorses Joe Miller

Anchorage, Alaska. September 2, 2010 — House Republican Conference Chair Representative Mike Pence endorsed Joe Miller, GOP Candidate for the Alaska U.S. Senate, today. Pence stated, “Joe Miller is the commonsense conservative choice for the U.S. Senate. Joe understands that big government is not the answer during these tough economic times. I am proud to […]

Miller Statement On GOP Nomination

Fairbanks, Alaska. August 31, 2010 — Earlier this evening, I received a call from Senator Murkowski honorably conceding the race. I want to thank her for a hard fought contest. Tomorrow, the general election begins. But tonight I’d like to reflect back on the amazing feat we accomplished together. We started from a handful of […]

Miller Says Focus Must Be On Accurate Count and Beating Democrats

Anchorage, Alaska. August 28, 2010 — The Joe Miller Campaign for US Senate is calling on Republicans to unite. “The primary is over, and the people have spoken,” Miller said. “We are now in the process of trying to determine their will, and that the vote count is accurate and free of fraud. It is […]