Only 6% Rate News Media As Very Trustworthy

Photo Credit: secretlondon123Most voters still get their news from television and consider the news reported by the media generally trustworthy.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they get most of their news from TV, including 32% who get it from cable news networks and 24% who get it from traditional network news. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that another 25% use the Internet as their main source of news, while only 10% still rely on print newspapers. Seven percent (7%) get most of their news from radio. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty-six percent (56%) of all voters regard the news reported by the media as at least somewhat trustworthy, but that includes just six percent who think it is Very Trustworthy. Forty-two percent (42%) don’t trust the news media, with 12% who believe the news it reports is Not At All Trustworthy.

Last September, as the final stretch of the presidential race heated up, 40% of American Adults said the Internet was the best way to get news and information in today’s world, while 37% viewed television that way. Nine percent (9%) rated radio as the best source, and seven percent (7%) chose print newspapers. TV broadcast news was considered the most reliable, followed by the Internet and newspapers.

Forty-one percent (41%) of voters think the average media reporter is more liberal than they are, down slightly from 46% in June 2011. Unchanged from the earlier survey are the 18% who feel the average reporter is more conservative than they are, while 26% think their views are about the same. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.

Read more from this story HERE.

The Case Of The Phantom Ballots: An Electoral Whodunit

Photo Credit: Tim Chapman The first phantom absentee ballot request hit the Miami-Dade elections website at 9:11 p.m. Saturday, July 7.
The next one came at 9:14. Then 9:17. 9:22. 9:24. 9:25.

Within 2½ weeks, 2,552 online requests arrived from voters who had not applied for absentee ballots. They streamed in much too quickly for real people to be filling them out. They originated from only a handful of Internet Protocol addresses. And they were not random. It had all the appearances of a political dirty trick, a high-tech effort by an unknown hacker to sway three key Aug. 14 primary elections, a Miami Herald investigation has found.

The plot failed. The elections department’s software flagged the requests as suspicious. The ballots weren’t sent out. But who was behind it? And next time, would a more skilled hacker be able to rig an election?

Six months and a grand-jury probe later, there still are few answers about the phantom requests, which targeted Democratic voters in a congressional district and Republican voters in two Florida House districts.

The foreman of that grand jury, whose report made public the existence of the phantom requests, said jurors were eager to learn if a candidate or political consultant had succeeded in manipulating the voting system. But they didn’t get any answers. “We were like, ‘Why didn’t anyone do something about it?’ ” foreman Jeffrey Pankey said.

Read more from this story HERE.

Obama Campaign Caught In Major NC Vote Fraud Scheme

Photo Credit: osipovvaFebruary 19, 2013 North Carolina’s Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina’s 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.

North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website,, to use a web-based registration program. The SBE’s chief lawyer responded to the charge with a plainly disingenuous 1984-newspeak answer:

Wright repeatedly denied that the SBE allowed online voter registration, insisting that it was “web-based voter registration”[ii] instead, as if there could be a “web-based” process that wasn’t online.

The technology from Allpoint Voter Services uses remote-control pens to transmit “signatures” over the Internet, according to[iii]. After entering voter information in an online form, the citizen “signs” it with a stylus or a finger. The Allpoint technology records the signature and then transmits it to one of two autopens – one in California, the other in Nevada[iv]. One of the pens transcribes the signature on to a paper voter registration form. Allpoint then mails the documents to local election boards – or is supposed to, a point we’ll come back to.

To say this is not “online” registration but “web-based” is like saying a certain vehicle is not a car, it’s an automobile. The point of having a “wet signature” – one in ink – is to provide a universally accepted way proving that a prospective voter is affirming in person all the facts on the form. To have an auto pen inserted at one point in this long computerized process is a far different thing. Even the Obama campaign called it online voter registration. Because, no matter how you twist words around, that’s what it is.

Read more from this story HERE.

Pro-Obama Election Flier Marked With NAACP Seal Featured Klan, Lynching Imagery

Photo Credit: Daily Caller A presidential election flier disseminated in North Carolina and marked with a seal for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) featured Ku Klux Klan and lynching imagery as part of its presentation urging voters to head to the polls.

Another pro-Obama flier in North Carolina informed African-American voters that Mitt Romney would relegate them to “picking cotton” if elected president.

The fliers, photographs of which were obtained by The Daily Caller, were found in the Charlotte, North Carolina area on Election Day 2012.

One flier, headlined “Souls to the Polls,” depicts members of the Ku Klux Klan wielding torches and black-and-white illustrations of African-American lynchings. The flier is marked, in its upper left-hand corner, with a seal for the NAACP.

Read more from this story HERE.

Did Obama Supporter Vote 6 Times In 2012? Ohio Poll Worker Target Of Investigation (+video)

Photo Credit: Fox NewsThe Obama/Biden lawn sign remains proudly planted in front of Melowese Richardson’s Cincinnati home, three months after the presidential election. It seems that President Obama has an especially ardent supporter in the veteran Ohio poll worker.

Richardson told a local television station this month that she voted twice last November. She cast an absentee ballot and then voted at the polls as well.

“Yes, I voted twice,” Richardson told WCPO-TV. “I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”

Authorities also are investigating if she voted in the names of four other people, too, for a total of six votes in the 2012 presidential election.

“I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States,” Richardson vowed when asked about the voter fraud investigation that is now under way.

Read more from this story HERE.

College: Fire Professor Who Forced Students To Vote For Obama

Photo Credit: Daily CallerA tenured professor who forced her students to sign pledges that they would vote for President Barack Obama last November should be fired, the college’s president recommended.

Sharon Sweet, an associate professor of mathematics at Brevard Community College in Florida, is guilty of electioneering, harassment, and incompetence, according to a three-month investigation into her classroom behavior leading up to the November election.

The Board of Trustees will hold a hearing on the matter, and then vote on whether to adopt President James Richey’s recommendation that Sweet be fired.

Read more from this story HERE.

Congress Urged: Investigate Vote Fraud Now!

GOP poll inspectors illegally removed from voting locations.

More than 100 percent of registered voters turning out to vote.

Computers reverting to a default Obama vote, regardless of whom the voter selects.

Absentee ballots counted while neutral observers are blocked from supervising.

Military ballots not delivered on time to active-duty servicemen and women around the world.

Illegal campaign contributions, deceased and illegal-alien voters, “lost ballots” and intimidation at the polls.

It’s enough to make voters ask: Does America still have free, fair and accurate elections?

Sign the petition urging Congress to investigate HERE.

Philly Activist Group Shreds GOP Voter Registrations

The Community Voters Project is a “non-partisan” lefty organization whose mission is to register people to vote, with a particular emphasis on minorities. In the 2008 election, they had offices in 10 states and registered around 300,000 minority voters. So far, so good.

This year, however, it seems they aren’t registering everyone who wants to vote. Outside a CVP office in Philadelphia, for example, they shredded and threw away numerous registration forms. A number of these were for people trying to register as a Republican.

A citizen-journalist came across a large bag of trash outside the CVP office in Philadelphia. Glancing at it, the citizen saw what looked like shredded registration forms. The pictures in this post are from CVP’s trash. The photo above clearly shows that the voter who submitted the shredded registration form was registering as a Republican.

You’re right if you think this sounds a lot like ACORN and its litany of problems with voter fraud. CVP used to work along side ACORN, and several of its employees have worked for both organizations. CVP has also had significant problems with fraud. Several of its employees were indicted in 2008 for voter registration fraud.

Read more from this story HERE.

Complaint Alleges Unions Putting Illegal Immigrants on Voter Rolls in Nevada

photo credit: Barack ObamaJust hours before voters go to the polls in the battleground state of Nevada, a national group has announced it plans to file a complaint regarding illegal immigrants purportedly being allowed to vote.

ALIPAC, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, based in Raleigh, N.C., sent the Nevada secretary of state an email outlining its intention.

“We want to stop the felonious thefts of American elections,” says William Gheen, ALIPAC’s president.

Gheen points to a commentary published in Sunday’s Las Vegas Review Journal. In it, editorial writer Glenn Cook accuses the Culinary Union 226 of knowingly registering illegal immigrants and then pressured them to vote.

Cook quotes an unidentified illegal immigrant who is on the Clark County voter rolls. The person claims a union representative told them they were “in so much trouble” for refusing to vote.

Read more from this story HERE.

Woman Angered by Not Having to Show ID Tries to Vote Twice

Roxanne Rubin was upset poll workers did not check her ID, so she tried to vote twice to prove a point, according to the Nevada secretary of state’s office.

Rubin, 56, was arrested Friday by the state’s multijurisdictional Elections Integrity Task Force and charged with trying to vote more than once in the same election, a felony.

When reached Monday, Rubin said she wants to share her side of the story. “I can’t talk, and I’m dying to,” Rubin said. “I’m talkative by nature.”

In a sworn affidavit, criminal investigator Shelley Neiman wrote that Rubin was “willing to risk the penalty in order to expose what she perceived as a weakness in the voting process” and that Rubin “was unhappy with the process; specifically in that her identification was not checked.”

Neiman wrote that Rubin “wanted to make a point” by testing the system and trying to cast another vote.

Read more from this story HERE.