Rush Limbaugh: ‘Wait Until the Republican Party Hears About This’ (+video)

daily rushA caller from Lubbock, Texas, on Friday told conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh that some illegal immigrants in his area don’t want amnesty because it means federal income tax and fiercer competition for cheap labor.

“Today I went out and was doing some ag’ work on some of the farms out here and got to talking to some of these guys, asking them about what they think about this. And they’re very, very concerned,” the caller said. “A lot of them were telling me, ‘Well, we really don’t want to become United States citizens.’”

He went on: “There’s two things that they brought up that really scared me. They do not want to become United States citizens. I said, ‘Why not?’ They’re afraid that the United States government is going to take so much taxes out of their paychecks once they have to pay into the federal income tax.”

“Are you kidding me on this?” Limbaugh replied.

“I am dead serious. They do not want to become American citizens,” the caller said.

Read more from this story HERE.

Witness Describes Zimmerman’s Injuries, Phone Call to Wife (+video)

Photo Credit: Fox News

Photo Credit: Fox News

A resident of the Florida community where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin last year told jurors Friday afternoon how he encountered a bloodied Zimmerman immediately after the confrontation and took pictures of the murder defendant’s injuries.

State witness Joe Manalo testified that he took the photos with his cell phone that showed blood on Zimmerman’s lip and scalp.

“He had blood running down his nose from both nostrils and over his lips,” Manalo told Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda.

Manalo said Zimmerman asked him to call his wife, Shellie, and tell her that he just shot someone as cops arrived on the scene.

“He had a cell phone in his hand and he tossed it on the ground asking if I could call his wife,” Manalo testified. “He gave me her number. I had a connection right away and said, ‘Your husband has been involved in a shooting. He’s detained by Sanford police.'”

Read more from this story HERE.

Bert and Ernie Come Out in New Yorker Magazine (+video)

Photo Credit: WND

Photo Credit: WND

In the hotly contested debate over whether “Sesame Street” characters Bert and Ernie are homosexual, the iconic puppets have apparently come out of the closet on the latest cover of the New Yorker magazine.

The famous characters are depicted snuggling up together in front of a TV while looking at an image of the Supreme Court justices in their black robes.

“It’s amazing to witness how attitudes on gay rights have evolved in my lifetime,” said Jack Hunter, the artist behind the cover. “This is great for our kids, a moment we can all celebrate.” Hunter calls the image, “Moment of Joy.”

There have long been rumors about the nature of Bert and Ernie’s relationship.

Read more from this story HERE.

‘Absolutely Incredible’: Canadians Outraged After Flooding Prompts Involuntary Firearm Confiscation (+video)

Photo Credit: AP

Photo Credit: AP

Canadians in the High River area of Alberta – many already “irate” at not being able to return to their homes after massive flooding last week – were shocked to learn late Thursday that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have seized a “large quantity of firearms” from their evacuated houses.

RCMP Sergeant Patricia Neely said that “Firearms that were unsafely stored in plain sight were seized for safekeeping,” but Sgt. Brian Topham told the National Post that officers forced their way into many of the homes because of “urgent need.”

“We just want to make sure that all of those things are in a spot that we control, simply because of what they are,” Sgt. Topham said. “People have a significant amount of money invested in firearms … so we put them in a place that we control and that they’re safe.”

They will be returned to residents with proof of ownership after the evacuation order — which is now into its eighth day — is lifted, authorities say.

Business owner Brenda Lackey told the Globe and Mail: “Now what they’re doing is looking for firearms and ammunition. How do they have the right to do that? What does that have to do with the disaster? …This is martial law. What has happened to our country?”

Read more from this story HERE.

Intolerant Oregon Muslims Bully College Republicans Out Of Their Own Event (+videos)

college republicansThe ever accepting, open minded socialists and Islamists at Portland State University have taken their bullying tactics to a new level. (Remember last year’s uber fail of a “protest” at Erick Stakelbeck’s presentation?)

The College Republicans hosted a showing of the film “Obsession”, which focuses on radical Islam’s obsession with western civilization. Several people from PSU’s muslim and socialist groups, such as Students United For Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER) and the International Socialist Organization (ISO), decided they would crash the event. And crash iScreen Shot 2013-05-31 at 3.42.37 AMt they did.

Before the event even started, they began to shout and tried to take over. The film played as planned, with a few random heckles, but immediately afterward, the counter attendees began to shout down, intimidate, and bully the College Republicans out of the room. Despite the fact that the documentary specifically said several times that it only focused on the radical Islamists, and even featured a segment where the moderates who denounced the terrorists were praised, the played out shouts of “Shame!” and “Hate speech!” rang through the room, as the Republicans fled, feeling their personal safety was in jeopardy.



Read more from this story HERE.

Zimmerman Murder Trial: State’s Key Witness Damaged; Trayvon Friend Says Screams on Tape Weren’t His (+video)

Photo Credit: orlando sentinel

Photo Credit: orlando sentinel

From the witness stand Wednesday, the state’s star witness in the George Zimmerman murder trial, Rachel “Diamond” Jeantel, gave her account of Trayvon Martin’s last seconds — and they were dramatic.

While on the phone with Trayvon, he told her a man was following him, someone he described as a “creepy-ass cracker,” Jeantel said. He got close enough to Trayvon that she could hear the man say, “‘What are you doing around here?'”

Jeantel then heard a “bump,” followed by something she described as “grass sound.” Trayvon said, “Get off. Get off,” then the phone went dead, she testified.

Jeantel’s account, though, was nearly lost amid the problems and spectacle she created. She used street slang, was sometimes defiant and talked so fast and so softly that it was often impossible to make out her words.

The court reporter interrupted her a dozen times, asking her to repeat herself. Jurors interrupted, too, although not as often, and stopped when Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson told them, “You can’t ask questions. If you can’t understand, just raise your hand.”

Read more from this story HERE.

Gay Marriage Rulings Make MSNBC Sad Because They Gut ‘Power Of Federal Government’ (+video)

Photo Credit: Mediaite

Photo Credit: Mediaite

Well, at least she’s consistent.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry joined anchor Thomas Roberts on Wednesday to react to the Supreme Court’s rulings on the cases relating to gay marriage rights in the United States. Harris-Perry threw cold water on the celebrations ongoing at 30 Rock when she lamented the Court’s decision to not rule in the case against Proposition 8. She said that this ruling, along with other decisions the Court handed down this session, “gut the power of the federal government” and prevent Washington D.C. from declaring gay marriage the law in all 50 states.

“It’s been kind of a rocky week for rulings from the Supreme Court,” Roberts opined.

Harris-Perry agreed and apologized for being the cautious voice in the room and interrupting the “celebratory” atmosphere on MSNBC.

“As much as those of us who are allies of this movement, and those of us how’ve been working hard on the question of marriage equality would like to read this in the broadest sense,” Harris-Perry began. “What they did, all week long – from the beginning to the end of this week so far – is to gut the power of the federal government.”

Read more from this story HERE.

84 Year Old Shoots At Robber, Now Under Investigation Himself for Assault (+video)

Photo Credit: gfairchild

Photo Credit: gfairchild

For the second time this week, a gun owner is under investigation for shooting at a criminal who unlawfully invaded his property.

Tony DiSanto, 84, known simply as Mr. Tony, discovered a would-be robber stuffing stolen items into a Volkswagen parked in his driveway in Bradenton, Fla. After retrieving his firearm, Mr. Tony reportedly issued several warnings to the robber.

According to witnesses, the robber then rammed his car into a fence and into DiSanto’s vehicle in a bid to escape. When the criminal refused to listen to his multiple warnings, he shot at the vehicle multiple times.

One of the rounds missed its target and hit an SUV across the street, WFTS-TV reports. Police are still looking for the robbery suspect, who escaped by riding across a next-door lawn and backing all the way down the street.

DiSanto is cooperating with police, however, Dave Bristow, a spokesman with the Manatee Sheriff’s Office, said the case is under investigation and will likely be turned over to the State Attorney’s Office to determine if the man broke the law.

Read more from this story HERE.

Teen Impaled on Horn of Texas Tech Bull Statue (+video)

Photo Credit: Math Smath

Photo Credit: Math Smath

A woman who was with a group of children playing a late-night game of hide-and-seek when a Texas teen impaled himself on the horn of a bull statue says she isn’t exactly sure how it happened but that the boy’s death was a “pure accident.”

Marenda Podhorksy, a mother of four who was one of two adults nearby when 14-year-old Miguel Martinez impaled himself on the statue’s horn as he played in a park early Saturday near the National Ranching Heritage Center on the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock, said she’s not sure if the boy slipped, tripped or was trying to hurdle the horn.

“There are a hundred scenarios that could have happened,” said Podhorksy, whose son Jeremy Warren was friends with Martinez. The teenager was spending the night with Warren and the boys and some other children were awake well past midnight after eating sweets to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday.

There is gravel around the statue and light fixtures surround it, so the teen could have slipped on the gravel, tripped on a light fixture or been trying to jump the horn as Warren had done a short time before the accident, the woman said.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have been out that late,” she said. “It was pure accident. We’d been playing for like an hour.”

Read more from this story HERE.

California Resident Shoots, Kills Drunk Intruder, Now Target of Murder Investigation

Photo Credit: NBC Los Angeles

Photo Credit: NBC Los Angeles

By Willian Avila and Tony Shin. An Ontario resident shot and killed an intruder who broke into his apartment in the middle of the night and attacked his sleeping son, police said.

Officers said the suspect, identified as 24-year-old Thomas Gilbert Manzano, entered the home in the 2500 block of East Riverside Drive (map) about 3 a.m. when the resident opened fire.

Manzano and a friend had been drinking alcohol for several hours when they decided to go to what they thought was a vacant apartment where the friend had been squatting, police said. Manzano’s mother lives in the same complex.

When Manzano came to the door, the resident turned him away, police said. That’s when Manzano allegedly threatened the resident, forced his way into the home through a bedroom window and confronted the resident’s adult son. Police said Manzano began to threaten and attack the son.

The father, who heard the commotion from another bedroom, armed himself with a firearm before coming to his son’s aid. He fired several rounds at Manzano and struck him. Read more from this story HERE.


Man Who Protected his Sleeping Son from Drunk Intruder Now Subject to Homicide Investigation

By Jason Howerton. Police are investigating a potential homicide in Ontario, Calif., after a resident shot and killed a drunk intruder who broke into his apartment and attacked his sleeping son.

In California, citizens have a right to protect themselves and their families, however, there are stipulations in the state.

“The homeowner, the citizen, has to be able to articulate or apply the appropriate amount of force that was done against them,” Ontario Police Sgt. David McBride told NBC Los Angeles, later adding that Manzano was unarmed at the time of the shooting.

Thomas Gilbert Manzano, 24, forced his way into the California residence at around 3 a.m. on Monday, according to police. Manzano had been drinking alcohol for several hours with a friend when they decided to break into an apartment they thought was vacant. They had reportedly been squatting in one of the apartments but got confused as to its location. Read more from this story HERE.