Video: Palin Rips Obama for Not Having “His Buddy, the Teleprompter” at Debate

Sarah Palin ripped Obama after Wednesday’s debate for not having his teleprompter with him:

Of course, Mrs. Palin’s hit on Obama was not without foundation. He’s had terrible experiences without a teleprompter before.

One of Obama’s worst was his horrible performance during a townhall meeting four years ago:

Video: Here Are the Real Facts – What Obama Promised, What He Delivered

American Crossroads produced this exceptional 30 second ad encapsulating what Obama promised in 2008 and what he delivered in 2012:

Videos: Obama’s 2007 Speech Praising Jeremiah Wright, “Fundamentally Dishonest, Racist”

The following videos of Obama’s 2007 Hampton University Speech are marked by “fundamental dishonesty” and “appeals to race,” according to Newt Gingrich, whose interview with Fox News appears below.

The videos also reflect Obama using not just words he later denies, but also a style of speech that differs from what he uses now.

But first, here’s a shortened clip of Obama’s warm praise for Jeremiah Wright. It begins about 45 seconds into the video, where Obama gives a “special shout-out to my pastor”:

Here’s a longer clip of the same speech:

Finally, listen to Newt Gingrich break it all down:

Video: Jon Stewart Skewers Obama Over His Response to Benghazi

Jon Stewart pretty much tells it like it is in this video hammering Obama’s response to the Benghazi attacks.

He goes through the sequence of contradictory statements from the administration and concludes with Obama still refusing to admit the attacks were terrorism, not reactions to a two-bit pornographer’s video, the Innocence of Muslims.

Stewart finishes the collage with this assessment: “Two things apparently have become clear. The attack on our embassy was planned and coordinated. The response to it, ahhh, not so much.”

Videos: Two Hilarious Political Comedies Featuring Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, others

After justifiably getting beat up by many of our loyal subscribers over posting the Paul Ryan “lip reading video,” we’ve taken it down.

The video that was originally posted featured a “video-shopped” Paul Ryan saying a number of sometimes humorous things. As one subscriber noted, however, it also included some profane stuff that we had not caught originally, so we took it down.

What we found interesting (and disturbing) was how it was exceptionally difficult for the average viewer to see that Ryan was not actually saying what the video creators had dubbed in. In other words, seeing isn’t necessarily believing.


We’ve left the next video up but, if you are overly sensitive about your candidate, please don’t watch it.

It’s a recent production that matches up the GOP primary candidates in a “Mortal Kombat” type mock up:

Video: House to Hold Hearings on Benghazi Attack, Hillary Clinton Notified this a.m.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform is holding hearings on the Benghazi attack next week.

The following video contains that announcement as well as never-before-seen photos of the aftermath of bloody attacks that occurred just a block from the U.S. consulate this past summer.

Just yesterday, whistleblowers revealed that the consulate had suffered 13 attacks prior to 9/11 and had repeatedly requested additional security:

The Video That May Kill Obama’s Reelection

This video provides a collage of damning clips from Obama and other prominent Democrats saying things that the vast majority of Americans would disagree with.

You’ll see a few short scenes that you’ve undoubtedly viewed before, but there are several that are less commonly known, such as a fiery exchange in committee with the head of the Black Chamber of Commerce.

Video: CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Battles Reparative Therapist Promoting Homosexuality Cure

As Restoring Liberty reported yesterday, California’s governor signed into law this weekend a bill banning mental health intervention for children who have been molested and then say they’re gay, bi-Sexual, or transgendered.

A leading opponent of this new law, a reparative therapist who had gone through such therapy himself as a child after being molested, was then interviewed on CNN by a hostile Brooke Baldwin.

On Baldwin’s show, he announced a court challenge to the new law.

If you have any interest in this subject, you should watch the below exchange:

Video Bombshell Report: Over a Dozen Mexican Teenagers Slaughtered by Holder’s Fast & Furious Guns

From the Hispanic Univision network comes an explosive report about over a dozen Mexican youths’ murders at the hands of a cartel with weapons provided to them by the Obama administration under Fast and Furious. Warning: the following video includes explicitly violent images:

Video: Nancy Pelosi Stars in Animal Sacrifice Ritual in New Attack Ad

In what some have suggested is a “new political low,” Nancy Pelosi’s Republican opponent John Dennis has cut an ad placing Nancy Pelosi in a dark cavern with a bunch of zombies in an apparent satanic ritualistic animal sacrifice.

Dennis shows up in the nick of time, saves the “sacrificial lamb,” and confronts Pelosi.

Obviously, the satirical production was made in anticipation of Halloween.

Chris Burgard, the producer of Herman Cain’s “Smoking Man” video, created this “Night of the Living Pelosi.”