Americans Will See if Republicans Are Any Different Than Democrats
Speculation is running rampant about why House Majority Leader Eric Cantor walked out of debt ceiling talks with Democrats. Most of the speculation is credited by pundits to insider maneuvering between Speaker John Boehner and Cantor. The Washington Post reports the debt deal maneuvering this way, “One analysis of the House GOP right now is that there are two players in the GOP who can cut a budget deal: Eric Cantor and John Boehner … One of them is going to have to do it. Which means one of them is going to lose his job. The optimistic take is that what we’re seeing right now is a game of musical chairs over which one of them it’ll be.”
Our analysis is different, and the Washington media will never understand it. The GOP’s inability to make deals is a direct result of the effectiveness of the Tea Party movement. Washington media always wants a deal between the forces for permanent government growth. For the first time in our lifetime the forces in support of actually limiting government have gained power. John Boehner and Eric Cantor understand this new dynamic. The very future of the Republican Party depends on it.
Clearly, John Boehner is frustrated by the new political realities. He wants to play golf with President Obama on the weekends and make nice with him during the week. Boehner has done his best to strong arm Republicans into forfeiting their only budget leverage and vote to raise the debt ceiling. His problem is he doesn’t have the votes, and a speaker that cannot pass legislation is doomed to be replaced.
Republican members of Congress have been flooded by messages from citizens to not raise the debt limit. They pour in daily by FAX, FedEx, mail, and telephone. Citizens intuitively understand that the solution to a debt problem is not more debt. The solution to the problem needs to come in the form of budget cuts. The Tea Party Caucus, Michele Bachmann and a movement called “Cut, Cap, Balance” are winning the battle inside the Republican Party. Tea Party leaders are threatening to bolt the Republican cause if Boehner and Cantor don’t produce an acceptable deal.
The mainstream media, as usual, are oblivious.
Read More at Floyd Reports by Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Floyd Reports