Napolitano’s V.I.P.R. Vows to “Dominate,Intimidate and Control”the American People

Since its inception in 2002,the Department of Homeland Security has grown increasingly contemptuous of the rights of the American people. Indeed,the Gestapo-like tactics of one of the Department’s better known masters of overreach–the TSA–are responsible for countless examples of the organizations daily assault on the Constitution.

But recently,another of Janet Napolitano’s handmaidens of harassment has begun to make news…albeit only on the web,of course. It is the TSA’s Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response task force–or VIPR. Organized into mobile swat teams,VIPR has executed some 8,000 highly public searches in the past 12 months.

And what meaningful operations they have been.

In a Georgia Amtrac station,VIPR personnel “patted down”all travelers,children and adults,both entering AND LEAVING the station.

In Santa Fe,New Mexico,teams of VIPR agents were assigned to conduct searches at a high school prom.

Read More at Coach is Right By Doug Book, Coach is Right