House Holds Hearing On Obama’s Job Killing Green Agenda
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing this morning titled “How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda Is Killing Jobs.” The oversight committee is headed by California Republican Darrell Issa. The committee has also published a 36-page document on Obama’s job killing green agenda.
In Issa’s preview statement prior to the hearing, he stated:
“Facing the worst recession since the Great Depression, President Obama has confronted this crisis by promoting green jobs as a major component of his recovery plan. He has said that these programs would create five million jobs within ten years. The President has also cited the efforts of other nations as the rationale to try to subsidize our way to energy independence.
“Unfortunately, the other nations who tried this experiment have struggled to recover. After three years and billions of spent taxpayer dollars later, the American people have received very little return on the President’s investment, and this country too, struggles to recover.
“A green jobs fueled recovery is a theory, and is yet unproven. Numerous elements of President Obama’s plan have been called into question. This activity includes a Bureau of Labor Statistics effort to legitimize the notion of questionably-designated green jobs by counting them as an official metric. It also includes the appearance of political favoritism in the distribution of green energy grants and loan guarantees.
“The Oversight and Government Reform Committee will also examine how President Obama’s green jobs agenda has been combined with a concerted policy and regulatory campaign impacting American carbon-based energy production companies and employees.
Read More at By Frank York,
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