Is Obama Organizing Chaos For This Election?
Are massive Leftist protests planned for Chicago’s G8-NATO summit this May, the RNC Convention in August and a rumored time line for Israel’s “Sweet Spot” early this fall to attack Iran all being orchestrated by the Obama campaign in an unparalleled get out the vote push that is an October surprise to sweep him back into office?
“The Republican National Convention brings together some of the worst politicians that this country has to offer,” organizers say as they are calling on national and international protestors to converge to “Say NO to the Republican Agenda!”
The Fight Back News flier says the Republicans “are spearheading attacks on immigrants and promoting an agenda of racism and hatred.” Union busting, wars overseas and corporate greed are popular talking points of contention for the Democrats looking to gin up their base to be there in November.
Former Black Panther and Leftist activist Brandon Darby told last year’s packed East Orlando Tea Party he left the Black Panthers because he just couldn’t take it anymore. He recoiled when saw a video training session by anarchist leaders showing young men how to make Molotov cocktails to be used at the GOP convention in Minneapolis in 2008. Darby said a definite structure of planners had set up a three part division of responsibilities in the Leftist camp, namely: “The Reds, the hardcore anarchists dressed in black whose sole aim was to fight the police; The Yellows, who were tasked with blocking roads to the Xcel site; The Greens, a loosely knit collection of about 10,000 routine protestors.”
Endorsing organizations already include SDS chapters in Tampa Bay, Gainesville, Chicago, Wisconsin, and Minnesota colleges and universities. The Student-Farm Worker Alliance along with PROYECTO DIGNIDAD will be marching for immigrant rights along with certain women’s groups. The Alliance for Global Justice, the International Action Center and the South Bay (San Jose, CA) Committee Against Political Repression and the Anti-War Committee of MN show the national and international scope of this widespread movement against the RNC Convention in Tampa this August.
CIA and FBI policies upset the Committee to Stop FBI Repression which is endorsing the Tampa march. “For too long, too many politicians in both political parties have ignored our needs, while serving the interests of the rich and powerful. We need to take things into our own hands and make them understand the consequences of their actions.