Homosexual volunteer carrying Chick-fil-A material open fires in pro-traditional marriage FRC office in DC
Man carrying Chick-fil-A materials shoots guard at Family Research Council
By Pete Williams. A gunman who shot a security guard Wednesday at the Family Research Council office in Washington, D.C., was carrying a handgun and several additional rounds of ammunition, federal investigators told NBC News.
Washington, D.C., police say the man walked into the headquarters of the conservative Christian lobbying group around 10:45 a.m. When challenged by the security guard, the gunman shot the guard in the arm with a Sig Sauer 9 mm handgun he pulled from a backpack.
The wounded guard, identified as Leo Johnson, wrestled the gun away from the shooter and prevented him from hurting anyone else, police said. …
The suspect’s name has not been released, but two law enforcement officials told NBC News he is Floyd Corkins, 28, from nearby Herndon, Va.
Federal officials said the suspect the backpack also contained materials about Chick-fil-A restaurants. Read more from this story HERE.
FRC Shooter was “volunteer at a ‘gay’ and lesbian center, made negative comment about center before shooting
By WND. Law enforcement officials in Washington have identified the man who shot a security guard at the Family Research Council early today as 28-year-old Floyd Corkins II, a volunteer at a “gay” and lesbian center in Washington, and have hinted that the motive may be linked to the FRC’s conservative Christian viewpoint regarding marriage and homosexuality.
According to a report from the Associated Press, a law enforcement official confirmed that the suspect made a “negative reference” about the FRC’s work before shooting and injuring guard Leo Johnson, who was hospitalized and in stable condition.
While no specific connections were confirmed by law enforcement authorities with the District of Columbia police and FBI, which responded to the case, the FRC had been vocal in recent days in its support of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, whose company was attacked by homosexual advocacy organizations after he publicly stated his support for traditional marriage. Read more from this story HERE.
White House took Five Hours to Respond to FRC Shooting
By Steven Ertelt. The White House is coming under criticism from pro-life advocates for not issuing a condemnation of the shooting of a security guard at the offices of the Family Research Council, a pro-life group.
UPDATE: Not until after 6:30 p.m. ET did the White House respond. Obama finally commented, saying “this type of violence has no place in our society.”
While President Barack Obama has yet to comment — several hours after the incident — presidential candidate Mitt Romney was swift in his response to it.
Romney commented on the shooting, saying: “I am appalled by the shooting today at the offices of the Family Research Council in our nation’s capital. There is no place for such violence in our society. My prayers go out to the wounded security guard and his family, as well as all the people at the Family Research Council whose sense of security has been shattered by today’s horrific events.”
Meanwhile, CNN took hours to finally issue a report on the shooting and it provided no live coverage of it as other television networks did. Hours later, CNN tweeted, “Shooting wounds guard at Family Research Council. on.cnn.com/OYEXq9.” Read more from this story HERE.