Ann Romney Claims She “Walked In” on George Bush

Photo credit: marcn
During a taping of “Live! With Kelly and Michael,” potential first lady Ann Romney said she once walked in on former President George W. Bush receiving a massage in the White House, according to a pool report.
“We had the unbelievable pleasure of spending the night at the White House and the next morning I was like, exploring everywhere,” Romney said when asked to name the most embarrassing thing she had ever done. “And I was supposed to be at meetings and Mitt was like, ‘Ann, you’re supposed to go,’ and I said ‘No, I’m exploring.’ I went into one door, I was with Anita Perry, by the way. I’ll put blame on her. And Anita and I were like ‘We wonder what’s behind this door?’ It was George Bush having a massage.”
Anita Perry is the wife of Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whom Mitt Romney defeated in the Republican presidential primaries.
“He was covered up,” Ann Romney said. “But I was so embarrassed that the next time I did see him, I didn’t know what I was going to say to him. We were going down the elevator from the White House going to an event together, and I walked up to the elevator and am just blushing, blushing, blushing. And he looks at me and he winks as he does and says, ‘I look pretty good, don’t I?’”
Read more from this story HERE.