Joe Miller Welcomes ‘Rockefeller Republicans’ to Alaska Senate Race
Anchorage, AK – Earlier today, Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell declared his intent to run for the Republican nomination for Alaska’s US Senate seat currently occupied by former Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich.
“I welcome Mr. Treadwell to the race,” said Miller. “Competition is a good thing. I look forward to a vigorous debate on the issues facing the country, and the great state of Alaska.”
Meanwhile, in an interview with CNBC yesterday, Mr. Begich stated that he was “more of a Rockefeller Republican” than a Pelosi Democrat. This despite the fact that he has voted with Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid 92% of the time in the 112th Congress.
One has to wonder whether this says more about Mark Begich or Rockefeller Republicans. But the senator’s fascination with a privileged, uber-rich, big government, big spending corporate shill from the Northeast is pretty curious.
Nonetheless, Joe Miller wishes to congratulate Mr. Begich on his induction into the Rockefeller Republican Club. “Mr. Treadwell will appreciate some company,” said Miller. “Given Alaska’s demographics, I’m sure it probably gets lonely over at the country club.”
Joe Miller is a husband, father, war veteran, businessman, and Constitutional conservative who believes in limited government, the Right to life, individual liberty, private property, and free markets.