Hugo Chavez-Linked Group Crafted ‘You Can Keep Your Plan’
Photo Credit: WND A little-known group called the Herndon Alliance has been the driving force in branding Obamacare to the public.
It was this group that advised President Obama to say Americans can maintain their choice of doctors and insurers under his health-care plan, WND has learned.
The Herndon Alliance is openly partnered with a number of radical groups, including MoveOn, the National Council of La Raza and a slew of George Soros-funded activist organizations.
It is also partnered with a “direct action” group dedicated to the teachings of radical Saul Alinsky.
The original research that informed Herndon’s blueprint for marketing Obamacare, WND has found, was concocted by the imaging guru for the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.
Read more from this story HERE.