Rush Limbaugh: Obama ‘Playing Dictator’ With Healthcare

Photo Credit: APRadio talk show host Rush Limbaugh played President Barack Obama’s announcement about the troubled healthcare law on his show Thursday, commenting as he went and likening the president to a dictator.

When the president had finished explaining his proposed change to Obamacare, which would allow individuals to keep their plans for another year, Limbaugh told his audience:

“He’s doing two things: He’s telling the insurance companies, as a dictator would, what they can and can’t do or what they must or must not do, or what they have to and don’t have to do. He is suggesting … that if you have your plan now and you like it, you can keep it for one more year so that you don’t get any angrier at Democrats than you are now and vote against them next November.”

The Palm-Beach, Fla., based commentator continued, “If your plan has been canceled, he has just ordered the insurance company to make it available to you, so that you can go back and get that plan. The problem is that that plan was canceled precisely because it conflicts with his law, with Obamacare.”

Read more from this story HERE.