Listen to Joe Miller’s Recent Interview on Fox News Talk Radio – Tom Anderson Show

Screen shot 2014-01-26 at 12.28.30 AMJoe Miller was recently a guest on the Tom Anderson Show on the Fox News Radio, KVNT – Mat-Su Valley (92.5 FM, 1020 AM)

One of the topics covered was the United States fall from the top 10 nations for economic freedom. Having come of age politically in the Reagan era, Miller said it is disconcerting that the United States would be moved from the nations considered “free” economically to now “mostly free.” ObamaCare and the nation’s spending crisis were two important reasons for the downgrade on the Index of Economic Freedom.

Miller advocated repeal of ObamaCare and pointed out he is the only candidate to sign the Repeal Pledge. Regarding healthcare reform, he said the number one problem is the third party payer system. The consumer is out of the decision loop. ObamaCare exacerbates the problem by adding more government regulations and more government dollars. New policies to expand health savings accounts in conjunction with catastrophic healthcare coverage offer the best solution for true reform.

One caller asked Miller his views concerning labor unions. He fully supports the right of people to join a union, if they so choose, but no one should be forced into a union as a pre-requisite of employment. Nor should employees have their dues used for political purposes without their consent.

As Ronald Reagan noted in the 1970s, Miller said this is once again no time to fly a banner made of pale pastels, but one of bold colors. The go-along-to-get-along mentality is stealing our freedom and bankrupting America. He offered the recent example of the $1.1 trillion Omnibus spending bill implementing Murray-Ryan as a product of this mentality. The bill increased spending by tens of billions, while having the temerity to cut pay to our military retirees.

If elected, Joe Miller promises to work with true reformers like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul to restore our nation’s liberty and prosperity.

Listen to Joe Miller’s response to these and other issues here starting at minute 13