In Alaska, Candidate's Call for Impeachment Resonates on Facebook
By Matthew MacWilliams and Nicole Berns.
Is calling for President Obama’s impeachment smart politics for Republican candidates hoping to strike a responsive chord with Republican base voters and galvanize them? If the reaction on Facebook to Alaska GOP Senate hopeful Joe Miller’s call for a takedown of Obama is any indication, the answer is without a doubt “Yes!”
In last week’s debate between GOP Senate hopefuls in Alaska, Tea Party favorite Joe Miller insisted: “It’s time to impeach this president for dereliction of duty, selectively enforcing the law, and usurping powers that the Constitution does not authorize. He is willfully undermining the rule of law and creating chaos.”
Miller then challenged the other Republican Senate candidates to join him in supporting the impeachment of Obama. They did not.
The reaction to Miller’s takedown challenge on Facebook was immediate. Engagement on Miller’s Facebook page, as measured by “People Talking About This” data or PTAT, surged past 45,000 — 30 times his average over the last several months that we have tracked. By comparison, according to our tracking, Miller’s opponents in the primary, Republicans Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan, received no spike in Facebook engagement after the debate.
Read more from this story HERE.
Why We Need Joe Miller
By Dustin Stockton.
The Tea Party’s movements efforts in the US senate have proven difficult. Senators like Rand Paul, Ted Cruise and Mike Lee have been doing an excellent job but have struggled because they lack of reinforcements. Two of our senators, Paul and Cruise are making it clear that they plan to run for president in 2016. Will the Senate’s best conservative wing man Mike Lee have a wing man?
Tea Party favorite Joe Miller seemed to be a sure bet after defeating establishment Senator Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary of 2010. After a questionable write in campaign, Murkowski managed to squeak out a “victory” in the general election. Murkowski’s sour grapes were funded and supported by corny businesses who spent millions of dollars attacking the Republican nominee.
Read more from this story HERE.