Mexican Gov't Paying to Help Shield Illegals in USA from Deportation…
Photo Credit: BreitbartMexican Gov’t Paying to Help Shield Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. from Deportation
By Caroline May.
The government of Mexico is paying to help its citizens who are living illegally in the United States avoid deportation.
According to a report from National Public Radio, the Mexican government through its 50 consulates around the United States has been helping to fund low-income illegal immigrants to apply for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA — which shields illegal immigrants from deportation and allows them to work in the U.S.
NPR’s report details the story of Tania Guzman, an illegal immigrant who said the cost of applying for DACA worried her, but she was able to afford it after her pro-bono lawyer from Public Counsel told her she could access financial help from the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.
Mexico paid for all Guzman’s attorney fees and application fees, according to NPR. In the end Guzman told NPR she paid just $50.
The report explains that since 2012, the year DACA began, the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles has assisted more then 260 Mexican illegal immigrants apply for protections under DACA.
Read more from this story HERE.
Photo Credit: AP10 Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Minors Diagnosed With TB
By Melanie Hunter.
From January through September, 10 of the unaccompanied minors detained while attempting to illegally enter the United States across the Mexican border were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB), according to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
The children were ultimately allowed to stay in the United States.
“The children were isolated and treated; after being rendered non-infectious, all ten were released to verified sponsors in the U.S.,” said ORR spokesman Kenneth Wolfe in an emailed response when asked if any – and if so, how many – of the unaccompanied minors were tested for TB or enterovirus 68.
“The respective local health department connects with the health department in the city in which the child is released through the inter-jurisdictional TB notification system, and our Office of Refugee Resettlement also notifies the state. Then, the local TB control program follows up with the child and family,” said Wolfe.
No minors with active TB are currently in the UAC program, according to Wolfe.
Read more from this story HERE.
Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “America’s Forum,” Mayor Phillip Burch Mayor of Artesia, NM, a isolated town that houses a federal immigration detention center, said there has been a sudden large increase in the number of illegal immigrants being released from the center into the United States.
Read more from this story HERE.