Zuckerman Predicts Jeb Bush will be GOP 2016 Nominee (+video)

By Ian Hanchett. US News and World Report Chairman and Editor-in-Chief and publisher of The New York Daily News, Mort Zuckerman predicted that Jeb Bush will win the 2016 GOP nomination on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.”

(Read more on what Zuckerman predicts HERE)

The Last Tempation of Mitt

By McKay Coppins. It wasn’t long after Mitt Romney tottered off the national stage in November, 2012, bringing an end — it seemed — to the long, tragic story of his political career, when Spencer Zwick started getting phone calls from conservative millionaires who were clamoring for one last sequel.

Zwick, the square-jawed finance wunderkind who masterminded the candidate’s phenomenally successful fundraising operation in 2012, had returned after the election to the private equity firm he co-founded with Romney’s son, Tagg — but Mitt’s network of GOP money men wouldn’t stop hounding him. Inside Solamere Capital’s pristine, white-walled offices on Boston’s trendy Newbury Street, Zwick often found himself on the phone with major Republican fundraisers, bundlers, and donors putting the same questions to him.

“I got calls from people every day asking, ‘Do you think he’ll do it? How can we convince him to do it?’” Zwick said in an interview with BuzzFeed News.

With Friday’s news that Romney told a group of donors he was now actively considering a third presidential bid in 2016, it appears the boosters have gotten through. “Everybody in here can go tell your friends that I’m considering a run,” the former candidate told the gathering in midtown Manhattan, according to Politico. But insiders who spoke to BuzzFeed News about Romney’s evolution on the 2016 question said he only began to entertain the possibility recently, and that he still needs to weigh a number of factors — including Jeb Bush’s electability — before he decides to take the plunge. (Read more from this story HERE)

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