More Than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton’s Twitter Followers Are Fake

2789528000000578-3038621-image-a-7_1429025878428Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 million of them.

According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 per cent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform.

And at least 15 per cent – more than 544,000 – are completely fake., the oldest publicly available Twitter-auditing tool, reports that 44 per cent of the former secretary of state’s followers are ‘good’; 15 per cent are ‘fake’; and 41 per cent are ‘inactive,’ meaning that they never tweet or reply to any tweets.

Just 4 per cent of President Barack Obama’s Twitter followers, by comparison, are considered fake. (Read more from “More Than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton’s Twitter Followers Are Fake” HERE)

[Editor’s Note: the discussion about the Clinton’s begins at about 11:00 in the video below]

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