State Dept. Just Made Massive Announcement About Hillary’s Email Investigation
The State Department has stopped an internal investigation into former Secretary Clinton, giving way to the FBI’s ongoing investigation of Democratic presidential candidate.
State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said Friday that the FBI suggested last month that the State Department has ceased its review of several highly confidential emails in order to let the broader FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails go forward.
“While the ongoing law enforcement investigation is taking place, our internal review is on hold, pending the completion of that. We do not want our internal review to complicate or impede the progress of their ongoing law enforcement investigation,” Trudeau said, calling the decision “standard procedure.”
The State Department had been reviewing 22 emails that carried the highest level of secrecy and had not been made public in any form. The State Department review was designed to determine whether the emails contained classified information at the time they were sent, or whether the information became classified after the fact. Clinton’s defenders have said any classified information in her emails was made so after she sent them. Her opponents say Clinton would have known the information was sensetive, regardless if the documents were marked as “classified” at the time they were sent or not.
Asked at a press briefing if the State Department’s action should be taken as “a sign that the administration thinks that the laws may have been broken,” Trudeau said. “I wouldn’t read anything into it.” (Read more from “State Dept. Just Made Massive Announcement About Hillary’s Email Investigation” HERE)
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