Economics, Family Issues Spur Legislative Challenge
Alaska’s House District 31 is commonly known as the “Homer District” but also encompasses the communities of Anchor Point, Clam Gulch, Ninilchik, Kasilof, and includes the Russian village of Nikolaevsk. Many people have touted this district as being ultra-liberal and impossible for a conservative to win. While this may be true of the more liberal leaning city of Homer, it is not indicative of the larger district population.
Proof of this can come from the US Senate race in 2010 when conservative, pro-life candidate Joe Miller beat Senator Lisa Murkowski by nearly 6 percentage points. Further, in 2014, Joe Miller again won District 31, beating well-established opponents Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan in the three way race by more than 12 points.
This shows that conservative voters are excited to support someone who they feel will truly represent them. I believe I am that person.
I am committed to government staying within its proper role, the first of which is to protect the rights and liberties of the people. The people of Alaska should be free to live within a state that promotes creativity, protects liberty, and cherishes the successes of its people.
Instead we are often left wondering if legislators in Juneau are more concerned with their paychecks than they are with the safety and liberty of the people they claim to represent.
I am running for State House in District 31 because I am genuinely concerned for the future of our state. Alaska is facing a time to make tough decisions that affect not only our economic future, but the future of our families and the generations to come.
Most troubling is the fiscal dilemma that Alaskans face which affect all facets of their lives. We must have a bold and fiscal innovator. I understand that over spending and taxation will not lead to prosperity. It will exacerbate and compound this deleterious fiscal situation.
The knee-jerk reaction by Representative Paul Seaton to implement a 15% income tax on hard working Alaskans is not only detrimental, but shows that other actions were not looked at first to solve the financial crises within the States’ over inflated budget.
Cuts must be made across the board to programs that are not producing a positive return on expenditures. A tax increase or personal income tax should only be considered after all other options are thoroughly looked at and implemented. I believe we are a far cry from cutting as much as we can.
Mayor Wythe likes to tell people in the district that she is opposed to additional taxes, but her record belies the fact that this is not the case. Hidden in the proposed bill to build the new police station (which was retracted), was the plan to pay for the project. It included an additional 1% sales tax on top of the already-exorbitant 7.5% that we currently pay.
Additionally Mayor Wythe supported removing the grocery tax exemption which was voted on by the people of District 31. This type of action will only hurt the citizens of the district and generate financial hardship on those that live within a fixed income.
Such a blatant disregard for the will of the people shows that Mayor Wythe is more concerned about growing government than she is about honoring the people’s wishes.
I believe that Representatives, whether City or State, must be honest with their constituents about the facts. It is not appropriate to pander for self gratification. This is not an act of servant leadership but an act of deception.
Both Representative Seaton and Mayor Wythe are on record in favor of removing the Senior Tax exemption. I consider this to be heartless. Not only are Seniors those in our community that we can look up to and learn from, but they also put 3-4% back into the local economy. We should welcome them to stay in our communities with open arms, not drive them out with higher property taxes!
As a small business owner, I understand the importance of balanced budgets, appropriate spending, and increasing revenues (unlike Representative Seaton who received a D- grade on the Alaska Business Report Card!). We need a Representative in District 31 who will apply these same principles in state government.
Economic issues aside, we must look at the future of our families. As a man, I believe it is my duty to defend those who are weaker than I am. As your Representative I will count it among my chief duties to defend your liberties. As a Christian, it is my duty to defend the rights of those in Alaska who cannot necessarily speak up for themselves.
I call myself a conservative, which means that I will fight not only for smaller government but also for the protection of pre-born children and for family values.
Though some would call Mayor Wythe a conservative, both she and Representative Seaton are outspoken in their support of one of the most pro-abortion US Senators, Lisa Murkowski. I find it hard to believe that someone who endorses her can also hold firm to principles that are completely anathema to what she stands for.
I am proud to have support and sole endorsements from Alaska Right to Life, Alaska Republican Assembly and Joe Miller. They see that in District 31, the choice is clear. We can continue to have more of the same – growing government, raising taxes, and surreptitious behavior from our elected officials or, the people can choose the one conservative who will truly fight for them!
I proudly defended my country by serving in the Navy for 30 years. When I joined the Navy I took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution “so help me God”. When I retired I gave up my uniform but I was never relieved of my duty to protect the Constitution. The people and the United States Government has entrusted me in the past with the lives of your husbands, your wives, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. During my watch I never lost a life. I am only asking for you to trust me once again.
Not only am I the only true conservative in the race, but polling from an outside group shows that I am in the best position to beat liberal Republican Paul Seaton, leading Mayor Wythe by twice as much support from likely Primary voters.
We should never expect mediocrity from our public servants! As your Representative I will always be open to hear your concerns and will work hard to make the people of District 31 freer, more prosperous, and less burdened by undue taxes!
I would be honored to receive your vote on August 16th.
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