Secret of Ancient Concrete – Exponentially Better Than Modern Materials – Discovered by Scientists
Restoring Liberty Editor’s note: Here’s yet another indicator of how advanced our ancestors were: they created a concrete that lasts many times longer than modern versions. Add this on top of the metallurgy of Viking swords, the ancient electric batteries of Mesopotamia, the seafaring, global explorers of prehistoric Polynesia, and more, you’ve got to ask yourself: are we really smarter than those who preceded us?
Compare the writings of our Founders to modern times. We can barely read and comprehend what they wrote, let alone replicate it.
Without a doubt, we are advanced technologically, but that’s happened along with a decaying intellect for two reasons: (1) we effectively have one language combined with the unprecedented collective input of (2) billions of humans.
But the cell phones, super-computers, and other advanced toys delude us into thinking we have all the answers. The opposite is actually true. And it makes us much more likely to be deceived by the lies of our Establishment rulers.
In reality, we believe numerous fairy tales – like we and everything around us are constantly evolving to a more advanced state – or that we have the ability to choose our gender – or that we actually are exercising meaningful choice in the voting booth – to rejecting that we are created beings, ultimately subject to a Divine order.
Don’t you think it’s time to pause and self-reflect? Any effort to throw off our modern chains will require this.
It is a mystery that continues to baffle modern engineers. Why do 2,000-year-old Roman piers survive to this day, yet modern concrete seawalls embedded with steel crumble within decades? . . .
Now scientists in the US think they have found the answer, and it could finally lead to modern sea defences which withstand time and tide.
They discovered that when saltwater mixes with the volcanic ash and lime used by Roman builders, it leads to the growth of interlocking minerals, which bring a virtually impenetrable cohesion to concrete.
“We’re looking at a system that’s contrary to everything one would want in cement-based concrete,” said Prof Marie Jackson, a geology and geophysics research professor at the University of Utah who led the study . . .
Roman engineers made concrete by mixing volcanic ash with lime and seawater to make a mortar, and then added chunks of volcanic rock. The combination of ash, water, and lime produces what is called a pozzolanic reaction, named after the city of Pozzuoli in the Bay of Naples, triggering the formation of crystals in the gaps of the mixture as it sets. (Read more from “Secret of Ancient Concrete – Exponentially Better Than Modern Materials – Discovered by Scientists” HERE)
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