Job Openings Started Outstripping Job Seekers for First Time
The U.S. economy reached a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Department of Labor stated Tuesday, hundreds of thousands more than the number of unemployed workers.
March and April both saw the number of job openings outstrip the number of unemployed workers.
There were 6.7 million job openings in April and only 6.35 million job seekers. The previous month saw 6.63 million job openings, more than the 6.59 million unemployed workers.
The number of openings has never been higher than the number of job seekers since the government started counting employment opportunities in 2000. . .
“Never before have we had an economy where the number of open jobs exceeds the number of job seekers,” remarked Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta. “This administration is committed to ensuring that all Americans have the necessary skills to access good, family-sustaining jobs.” (Read more from “Job Openings Started Outstripping Job Seekers for First Time” HERE)
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