Leaked Emails Show Fauci Was Called Hillary’s ‘Doctor Admirer,’ Wanted Hillary to Know ‘We All Love Her’; Speculation Grows About Fauci’s Future
By The Western Journal. . .Emails obtained by hackers and released by Wikileaks years ago are still guiding part of the national conversation in 2020, and they demonstrate Fauci had a great admiration for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
In an email sent to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills on Jan. 23, 2013 — the date Clinton testified before Congress about her knowledge of the 2012 Benghazi consulate attack — Fauci showed his support for the embattled Democrat, who was also facing questions about her health at the time.
“Anyone who had any doubts about the Secretary’s stamina and capability following her illness had those doubts washed away by today’s performance before the Senate and the House,” Fauci wrote to Mills. . .
In forwarding the email to Clinton, Mills wrote that the message was “From your doctor admirer.” (Read more from “Leaked Emails Show Fauci Was Called Hillary’s ‘Doctor Admirer,’ Wanted Hillary to Know ‘We All Love Her'” HERE)
The Memo: Speculation Grows About Fauci’s Future
By The Hill. Anthony Fauci looks to be skating on thin ice with President Trump, despite — or perhaps because of — a growing sense that he is the most trusted expert on the coronavirus crisis.
The White House moved on Monday to squash suggestions that Fauci could be ousted from the president’s task force on the crisis.
And Fauci himself sought to shore up his position during the White House press briefing, when he walked back remarks he had made at the weekend.
During a CNN interview on Sunday, Fauci had suggested that mitigation measures would have been more effective had they been put in place earlier but that there had been “pushback” against them.
After Trump invited Fauci to the lectern within minutes of beginning Monday’s press briefing, the doctor said that his reference to “pushback” was “the wrong choice of words.” (Read more from “The Memo: Speculation Grows About Fauci’s Future” HERE)
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