Physicians Want Americans to Know the TRUTH About Coronavirus

By Breitbart. As the restrictions put in place by the federal and state government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus morph from weeks to months, physicians said on a conference call with reporters on Tuesday that the real threat to Americans is the lack of access to health care.

It’s fear, not the virus, that is leading to dangerous and deadly health outcomes, from children falling behind on routine vaccines to people with serious conditions like heart disease and depression staying at home instead of seeking help.

“I just feel that’s there’s a very big disconnect between what the average American thinks is going on and what’s actually going on,” Dr. Simone Gold, an emergency room physician, said on the call. . .

Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry, said on the call that for the first time in his ten years of praticing, he lost a patient. The woman, who suffered from depression and had struggled with drug addiction, died at home alone of an opioid overdose.

“I am certain that the cause of her death was due to a withdrawal of support in the community, and the withdrawal of her ability to be in school, her inability to [deal with] the added stress,” McDonald said. (Read more from “Physicians Want Americans to Know the TRUTH About Coronavirus” HERE)


Alex Berenson: Coronavirus Truth and Why the Media Establishment Hates Me so Much

By Fox News. The … reason is I think it’s clear by now that my wife and I practice what we preach; we don’t fear #COVID, not for ourselves or our kids. . .

I’ve done this for free the last two months, with one minor exception, Hillsdale College paid me to make the video about the failure of the models. Maybe I’ll write a book one day, maybe not, but financially this has been nothing but a distraction. (No matter; I never imagined John Wells would have the career he did, and I was always careful with the novel money, which was… surprising. And we are a two-income family.)

The third reason is the most obvious: the hysterics have been wrong. They know it, whether they admit it or not. Except for the most at-risk populations – who should be the focus of our protective efforts – #COVID looks to be a minor risk. And with every day that goes by, every state and country that reopen without catastrophe, the lockdowns appear more insane.

We should all be THRILLED about this fact, but too many of us aren’t.

So the media (and the lockdown governors) are stretching further and further to try to scare people – the recent pediatric stuff being only the grossest example. (Read more from “Alex Berenson: Coronavirus Truth and Why the Media Establishment Hates Me so Much” HERE)

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