WATCH: Seattle Police Chief Blasts City Officials, Says Leaving Precinct ‘Not My Decision’

Seattle’s police chief told her department Thursday it was “not my decision” to abandon a precinct in an area of the city taken over by protesters — and blasted city officials for giving in to the demonstrators.

In a video address published on the department’s YouTube page, Chief Carmen Best said the city “relented to severe public pressure.”

“You fought for days to protect [the precinct]. I asked you to stand on that line. Day in and day out, to be pelted with projectiles, to be screamed at, threatened and in some cases hurt,” Best told the force.

“Then to have a change of course nearly two weeks in, it seems like an insult to you and our community.”

“Ultimately the city had other plans for the building and relented to severe public pressure,” she added. “I’m angry about how this all came about.” (Read more from “Seattle Police Chief Blasts City Officials, Says Leaving Precinct ‘Not My Decision’” HERE)

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