Oh Yeah, There’s an Election: Presidential Campaign Overshadowed as World Explodes

By Washington Examiner. For those outside the Washington, D.C., Beltway and not consumed with political news, it’s easy to forget that there’s a presidential election this year. While society-changing, earth-shattering events such as the coronavirus pandemic, mass unemployment, and violent protests have taken center stage, the 2020 election itself is a bit of a snooze.

President Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden certainly respond to the catastrophic events as they try to sustain their campaigns. But the election itself is not driving the news, a dramatic change from previous years.

An April Pew Research Center survey found that 52% of people in the United States were paying close or fairly close attention to news about presidential candidates, significantly down from the same point in the 2016 cycle when 69% said they were paying close or very close attention to the presidential candidates. Meanwhile, 87% in the April survey said that they are paying close or very close attention to the coronavirus pandemic.

A former D.C. political digital operative now based on the Pacific Northwest put it bluntly: “Truly, who can really be thinking about the election when the pandemic is happening and it feels like society is ripping apart at the seams?”. . .

Even seasoned political operatives and activists confess that the Trump-Biden contest slipped their minds. (Read more from “Oh Yeah, There’s an Election: Presidential Campaign Overshadowed as World Explodes” HERE)


Trump Declines to Say Whether He’ll Accept 2020 Election Results in Fox News Interview

By Newsweek. President Donald Trump declined to say whether or not he will accept the results of the presidential election in November during an interview broadcast by Fox News Sunday.

“I have to see. Look … I have to see,” Trump told Fox News anchor Chris Wallace when he asked if the president would accept election results if he lost. “No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.”

During the interview, the president dismissed polls that show him trailing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by significant margins – with many showing him down by double digits nationally.

“First of all, I’m not losing, because those are fake polls. They were fake in 2016 and now they’re even more fake. The polls were much worse in 2016,” the president said. (Read more from “Trump Declines to Say Whether He’ll Accept 2020 Election Results in Fox News Interview” HERE)

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