Black Pastors Demand Nike Drop the ‘Anti-Christian’ Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement
On Thursday, a coalition of a few hundred black pastors, bishops, and other clergy sent a letter to Nike President and CEO John Donahoe. They demanded his company drop its support for the “anti-Christian” Marxist Black Lives Matter movement and condemn the Chinese government for its oppression of the Uyghur minority. Bishop Aubrey Shines spoke at a press conference announcing his group, the Conservative Clergy of Color.
“Nike is on record supporting the Black Lives Matter movement,” Shines said at the press conference. “A multi-billion dollar company is funneling funds into an organization whose only objective is to destroy America as we know it… while they turn a blind eye to China.”
Shines said that “several hundred black and brown pastors and bishops throughout this nation” have joined together in the group Conservative Clergy of Color. He began the press conference by reading from the group’s letter to Donahoe.
“We the leaders of Conservative Clergy of Color have watched with sadness and frustration as the country we love has been torn apart by violence and looting,” the letter begins. “This civil terror, perpetrated and lead by the Black Lives Matter movement, has turned American against American and possibly set race relations back decades.”
“Black Lives Matter, a movement run by anti-Christian, self-proclaimed Marxists, hijacked legitimate calls for police reform and turned it to their own ends,” the letter explains. “This is not a group interested in constructive change; through their vicious campaign to defund police and silence anyone who disagrees with them, they have destroyed livelihoods and gotten innocent children killed. It is antithetical to the nonviolence that Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement stood for.” (Read more from “Black Pastors Demand Nike Drop the ‘Anti-Christian’ Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement” HERE)
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