Trump Rebukes FBI Chief Over Russia Threat: Why No Talk About China?
President Donald Trump on Friday took issue with his FBI director, Christopher Wray, for highlighting the threat posed by Russia and right-wing militias to the U.S. election, rather than focusing on China and left-wing groups.
Trump, whose campaign was accused by political opponents of having murky ties to Russian operatives offering assistance during the 2016 election, has repeatedly challenged intelligence officials’ claims that Moscow still poses the chief danger. . .
Asked by reporters if he wanted to fire Wray, Trump said: “We’re looking at a lot of different things.” . . .
In his remarks on Friday, the president also reiterated his insistence that China, not Russia, is the bigger problem.
“Obviously China is at the top of the list. I see Russia, North Korea, many other countries, can be talked about. But China would be at the top of that list, so I don’t know why that’s not mentioned,” Trump said. (Read more from “Trump Rebukes FBI Chief Over Russia Threat: Why No Talk About China?” HERE)
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