Recent Leaks Expose Communist China’s Extensive Infiltration Of The West; John Ratcliffe Delays Election Report Amid Clash Over China’s Role
By The Federalist. U.S. State Department’s Assistant Secretary David Stilwell recently warned the public: “Influence and interference operations are fundamental to how the Chinese Communist Party engages with the world.” Through two leaked documents, the rest of the world recently discovered more about how aggressive and extensive the CCP’s influence and interference operations are: a database of CCP members and a secret agreement between Switzerland and Chinese police. . .
One of the largest newspapers in Australia, The Australian, reported last weekend it obtained a leaked database of nearly two million CCP members, including their national ID number, birth date, and party position. Additionally, the database contains information on almost 80,000 party branches, showing these CCP members are currently working inside international corporations, universities, and even government agencies around the world.
Based on this database, The Australian also disclosed the names of several companies that have employed CCP members, including Boeing, Volkswagen, Qualcomm, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Deutsche Bank, and J.P. Morgan. Further, as seen via the database, numerous CCP members have infiltrated Australian, American, and United Kingdom consulates in Shanghai, China.
The database was reportedly extracted from a Shanghai-based server by a Chinese dissident in 2016. The Australian stated it hasn’t found any evidence that any member on the list is spying for the CCP. Still, there are good reasons to be concerned. As one national security expert suggested, “Allowing members of the CCP to work for such companies risks their stealing technology, providing intelligence to China on forthcoming weapons systems and capabilities, or on force structures built around those capabilities.” (Read more from “Recent Leaks Expose Communist China’s Extensive Infiltration of the West” HERE)
John Ratcliffe Delays Election Report Amid Clash Over China’s Role
By WND. After telling a CBS News reporter that Beijing interfered in the 2020 U.S. election, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has delayed issuing a required intelligence community assessment report because of clashes among senior officials over the communist regime’s role.
“Ratcliffe has been really clear about his view that China is our top national security threat,” a senior intelligence official told the Washington Examiner. “But ultimately, he’s trying to ensure politics don’t play a role in what makes it into this report.”
The official said that if there are “conflicting views among senior analysts about Chinese election influence, he wants both views to get a fair shake in the report.”
The report on foreign election interference, due 45 days after the election — which is Friday — is mandated by a 2018 executive order by President Trump. Anticipation of the report increased with the recent revelations of Chinese infiltration in Congress and the report that a China-linked bank invested in Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines used by 28 states are the target of vote-fraud accusations in numerous lawsuits.
However, an intelligence source told the Examiner the report will not focus on claims that voting machines flipped millions of votes or of mail-in ballot fraud.
CBS News Senior Correspondent @CBS_Herridge reports that @DNI_Ratcliffe has "told CBS News that there was foreign election interference by China, #Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."More to
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) December 16, 2020
(Read more from “John Ratcliffe Delays Election Report Amid Clash Over China’s Role” HERE)
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