Study: DNA Could Predict Happy Marriage

. . .A variation in DNA could determine a person’s ability to experience high levels of gratitude, trust and satisfaction during the first few years of a marriage, a recent study suggests. . .

However, as Makhanova’s study found: “Some people might have a genetic predisposition to intuitively feel more grateful for their partner, be more trusting of their partner and enjoy more long-term satisfaction in their marriage than others.” . . .

Her research team analyzed 142 newlyweds, or 71 couples, during the first three years of marriage.

They found that individuals with a “CC variation” to the CD38 gene — which has been linked to positive behaviors and perceptions in romantic relationships — enjoyed higher levels of marital satisfaction than men and women with an “AC” or “AA” variation of the gene.

In this study, the “A” and the “C” represented the different alleles that determined the variant forms of the CD38 gene. (Read more from “Study: DNA Could Predict Happy Marriage” HERE)

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