Video Shows Quick-Thinking Chick-Fil-A Customer Help Cops Apprehend an Escaping Suspect

A customer waiting at a Chick-fil-a drive-thru is being praised for his quick thinking after he helped a police officer apprehend a suspect that he was chasing.

The incident unfolded in Jacksonville, Texas, on Wednesday as the man was waiting in line for his chicken sandwich, according to KLTV.

Jacksonville police say that officers were in pursuit of a suspect they say was driving a stolen vehicle and had jumped from the car to escape from police.

When the suspect tried to run between the line of cars through the restaurant’s parking lot, the customer waited until just the right moment to open his truck door into the suspect.

An officer pounced on the man after he fell to the ground, and the customer can be seen further assisting the officer as he makes the arrest.

(Read more from “Video Shows Quick-Thinking Chick-Fil-A Customer Help Cops Apprehend an Escaping Suspect” HERE)

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